时间:2012-08-16  作者:  来源:最高人民检察院








中国检察官协会自成立以来,先后协助举办了十一届全国检察理论研究年会及“认罪案件程序改革国际研讨会”、“强化检察机关法律监督职能”、“检察工作与人权保护”、“反贪污与社会稳定和发展”、“检察理论研究骨干培训班”、“刑事证据研讨班”、“检察机关宪法地位研讨会”、“预防超期羁押与保障人权研讨会”、“检察机关为优化经济环境服务理论研讨会”、“刑事起诉标准研讨会 ”、“‘两院’在构建和谐社会中的作用研讨会”等专题研讨会;编辑出版了《公诉问题研究》、《海外司法改革及其走向》、《司法改革热点问题研究》、《检察官作用与准则比较研究》、《中国检察》(1-17卷)、《超期羁押与人权保障》、《“严打”中的法律与政策实用》等研究成果。与中国法学会、中国警察协会、中国法官协会、中国律师协会、中国监狱学会等全国性非政府学术团体建立了合作关系,同时,还广泛地与国外司法机关、学术机构建立了密切的联系。接待了来自英国、法国、德国、美国、加拿大、丹麦、俄罗斯、越南等国家的有关代表团和专家、学者,派员或组团访问了美国、加拿大、法国、德国、澳大利亚等十多个国家。




Brief Introduction to the Soceity of Public Prosecutors of China

The Soceity of Public Prosecutors of China (SPPC) is a professional organization that the prosecutors participate voluntarily who are from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China, local people’s procuratorates at all levels, the Military Procuratorates and other special people’s procuratorates, which is a nationwide legal person. The legal representative is the Secretary-General of SPPC. The predecessor of SPPC is China Procuratorate Society which was approved and founded on Oct.3, 1988, and the name was changed into SPPC with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on June 27,1996. SPPC’s headquarters is located in Beijing and in the charge of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of P. R. China.

The organizational structure of SPPC includes the general assembly, the council, the standing council and the president’s work meeting. The general assembly consists of group members and individual members, which is the highest authority of SPPC and whose main function is to make and modify SPPC’s regulations, elect the council, recommend the Honorary President, discuss and decide those important issues of SPPC. The council is elected by the general assembly and which is the executive organization of the general assembly.

The standing organ dealing with routine work of SPPC is Secretariat which is headed by the Secretary-General. The Secretariat shares the same office and basic office facilities with the Institute of Procuratorial Theory of SPP.

The members of SPPC are divided into two types: group members and individual members. Those who would like to abide by SPPC’s regulations and pay membership fees voluntarily can lodge applications to SPPC and become group members or individual members. Those who are SPPCs (the societies) of prosecutors in different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, SPPC of prosecutors of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, SPPC of prosecutors of capital cities of provinces and capital cities of autonomous regions, SPPC of prosecutors of the branch procuratorates of municiparities’ procuratorates, SPPC of prosecutors of special economic zones, are group members of the council. Those who are SPPC of prosecutors of prefecture and city levels,SPPC of local procuratorates may apply for group members of SPPC. The individual members can be applied by the prosecutors of people’s procuratorates at various levels and retired and decreased persons who ever held the title of assistant prosecutors and above in various people’s procuratorates. By July 2010, SPPC has 204 group members and 23887 individual members from the procuratorates all over the country.

The objectives of SPPC are as follows: Uniting all prosecutors throughout the country, promoting the communication of procuratorial information and academic exchanges, undertaking research of procuratorial theory and improving the professional level of prosecutors; Promoting the spirit of devotion with honest and clean behaviours and strict enforcement of law, improving the professional ethics of prosecutors; Propagating the nature and mission of the people’s procuratorates and prosecutors in democratic and legal construction; Raising the social status of prosecutors; Caring for the life of prosecutors and safeguarding the legal rights and benefits of prosecutors; Exploring the channels for Chinese prosecutors to communicate with foreign counterparts and promoting the friendship and mutual understanding among prosecutors in different regions and countries all over the world, striving to achieve the goal of perfecting the socialist procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics and realizing to run the country with the rule of law and building our country with socialist legal system.

SPPC has participated all annual conferences and activities held by International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) as an original member. It also held the Executive Meeting of IAP in spring in 1998 and the 4th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP in Beijing in 1999 successfully.

The academic activities of SPPC are as follows: Making the research plan of procuratorial theory, organizing and coordinating the research activities of procuratorial theory, assisting to hold the national annual conference of research of procuratorial theory or seminars or training project on regional procuratorial theory and business, exchanging research achievements and procuratorial theory and working experiences in practice, organizing social survey, putting forward proposals and advice for procuratorial work in order to improve the prosecutors’ capacity and level in implementing laws; Editing and publishing the Journal of Chinese Criminal Science (monthly, publishing both domestic and abroad); Organizing and pushing the cooperation and communication between SPPC and other academic organizations and departments as well as promoting international academic exchanges and friendly visits.

Since the founding of SPPC, it has assisted to hold 11 Annual Conferences of National Procuratorial Theory successively and all kinds of seminars on specific topics, such as “ International Seminar on Procedural Reform of Confession Cases”, “Strengthening the Function of Legal Supervision for Procuratorial Organs ”, “ Procuratorial Work and Human Rights Protection”, “Anti-Corruption and Social Stability and Progress”, “Training Project for Key Research Members in Procuratorial Theory”, “Seminar on Criminal Evidence”, “Seminar on the Constitutional Status of Procuratorial Organs”, “Seminar on Preventing Exceeding Detention and Safeguarding Human Rights ”, “ Seminar on Service for Optimizing Economic Environment by Procuratorial Organs”, “Seminar on Standard of Criminal Prosecuting ”, “Seminar on the Role of Building the Harmonious Society by SPP and SPPC ”, and so on. In addition, it has also edited and published a lot of research achievements, such as “ Study on Issues of Public Prosecution”, “the Judicial Reform and Trends in Foreign Countries”, “Study on Hot Issues of Judicial Reform”, “ Comparative Study on the Role and Guidance of Prosecutors”, “Chinese Procuratorial Research ”(Volume 1-17), “Exceeding Detention and Human Rights Protection ”, “Application of Law and Policy in Strike-hard Period”, etc. SPPC has also established co-operative relationship with several national non-government academic organizations, such as China Law Society, China Society of Police, China Association of Judges, China Association of Lawyers, China Society of Prison and so on. At the same time, it has also widely established a close relationship with foreign judicial organs and academic organizations and has received many related delegations, experts and scholars from UK, France, Germany, USA, Canada, Denmark, Russia, Viet Nam, etc, and sent delegations or scholars to visit more than 10 countries, such as USA, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and so on.

The financial resources of SPPC are mainly from the financial aid or donation of various fields domestic and abroad as well as the legal income by carrying out all kinds of activities and the membership fees.

Mail address:

The Soceity of Public Prosecutors of China

No. 147, Beiheyan Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China;

Post Code: 100726;



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